The 1982 Movie Poltergeist Used Real Skeletons As - Tymoff
The 1982 Movie Poltergeist Used Real Skeletons As - Tymoff

The 1982 Movie Poltergeist Used Real Skeletons As – Tymoff

The 1982 movie Poltergeist is renowned for its chilling storyline and groundbreaking special effects, but one of the most shocking aspects of its production is the use of real human skeletons in several scenes. This controversial choice has fueled numerous urban legends and conspiracy theories, contributing to the film’s mystique and ongoing fascination. In this article, we’ll delve into the details behind this decision, exploring its impact on the movie, the reactions of the cast and crew, and the lasting legacy of this macabre choice.

Introduction to Poltergeist and Its Production

In 1982, the horror classic Poltergeist, directed by Tobe Hooper and produced by Steven Spielberg, captivated audiences and quickly secured its place in cinematic history. The film recounts the tale of the Freeling family as they face a harrowing invasion of sinister spirits within their home. What sets Poltergeist apart from other horror movies of its time is its combination of supernatural horror with emotional depth, making the audience care deeply for the characters while simultaneously scaring them.

The Controversy: Real Skeletons Used in Poltergeist

One of the most talked-about aspects of Poltergeist is the claim that real human skeletons were used during the production. This revelation came to light years after the film’s release, causing shock and outrage among fans and critics alike. The infamous scene in which this practice is most evident is when JoBeth Williams’ character, Diane, falls into a swimming pool filled with skeletons during a rainstorm. The 1982 movie Poltergeist used real skeletons as – Tymoff, this decision has since become a focal point of horror movie lore.

Why Were Real Skeletons Used?

Financial Constraints Allegedly Prompted Use of Authentic Skeletons Over Plastic Replicas. At the time, it was more cost-effective to procure real skeletons from medical supply companies than to create realistic-looking plastic ones. This practice was not uncommon in Hollywood, although it was rarely disclosed to the public.

The Impact on the Cast and Crew

The use of real skeletons had a profound effect on the cast and crew. JoBeth Williams has opened up about feeling uncomfortable and uneasy while filming the swimming pool scene. Knowing that she was surrounded by real human remains added an extra layer of fear and realism to her performance, but it also left her feeling deeply disturbed. The 1982 movie Poltergeist featured real skeletons in its scenes, a startling fact that many of the actors only learned after filming was complete.

The Urban Legends and Curses

The use of real skeletons has contributed to the legend of the Poltergeist curse. Over the years, several tragic events have been linked to the film, including the untimely deaths of several cast members. Dominique Dunne, who portrayed the eldest daughter Dana, was tragically murdered soon after the film’s release. Additionally, Heather O’Rourke, who played the youngest daughter Carol Anne, passed away at the age of 12 due to a medical condition. These tragedies, coupled with the macabre use of real skeletons, have led to speculation that the film is cursed.

The Ethical Implications

Using real human remains in film raises several ethical questions. While it was a practical solution for the filmmakers, it can be seen as disrespectful to the deceased. The 1982 movie Poltergeist used real skeletons as – Tymoff. This choice continues to spark debate about the morality of using human remains for entertainment purposes. In today’s industry, such practices would likely face significant backlash and legal challenges.

The Lasting Legacy of Poltergeist

Amidst ongoing debate, Poltergeist stands as a landmark film in the horror genre. Its influence can be seen in countless films and television shows that followed. The 1982 movie Poltergeist used real skeletons as – Tymoff, and this fact has only added to the film’s mystique and enduring appeal. Fans continue to be fascinated by the behind-the-scenes stories and the eerie atmosphere that pervades the film.

The Impact on Horror Cinema

Poltergeist set a new standard for horror films, blending supernatural elements with real-world fears. The use of real skeletons added an unsettling authenticity that has been hard to replicate. This bold choice pushed the boundaries of what audiences expected from horror movies at the time. It paved the way for more realistic and psychologically intense horror films in the decades that followed.

Special and Practical Effects Behind the Scenes

The special effects in Poltergeist were revolutionary and ahead of their time. The use of real skeletons was just one aspect of a larger commitment to practical effects that gave the film its unique look and feel. While From the eerie glow of the television to the terrifying manifestation of the spirits. The film’s effects were designed to create a visceral experience for the audience. The 1982 movie Poltergeist used real skeletons as – Tymoff. But it also utilized a range of innovative techniques to bring its supernatural elements to life.

The Cultural Impact of Poltergeist

Poltergeist has left a lasting mark on popular culture. Phrases like “They’re here” have become iconic, and the film’s influence can be seen in everything from television shows to video games. The 1982 movie Poltergeist used real skeletons as – Tymoff, and this shocking fact has become a part of the film’s legend, discussed and debated by fans and scholars alike. While film’s ability to blend horror with relatable family drama has ensured its place in the annals of cinematic history.


The inclusion of authentic skeletons in Poltergeist continues to spark debate. Marking it as one of the most contentious and widely discussed choices in the movie’s creation. It has contributed to the movie’s enduring mystique and has become a focal point for discussions about ethics in filmmaking. In the 1982 film Poltergeist, real skeletons were used. A decision that has profoundly influenced the horror genre and popular culture ever since. Despite the controversy, Poltergeist continues to be celebrated as a classic. Its chilling story and innovative effects captivating audiences more than four decades after its release.


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