How to Grow Your Organic Followers on Instagram

How to Grow Your Organic Followers on Instagram: 10 Killer Tips

Why have an Instagram account if no one follows it? It makes sense. Therefore, the desire to gain more followers is understandable. Some followers will buy the product if you have a registered online store account. The company’s business page will help sell its services. The blogger’s profile is interesting for advertisers so that you can make good money on it. And all this is gratitude to a good follower base. You also need to design your account well, regularly publish exciting posts, and develop and promote your Instagram profile in every possible way. Also, Instagram allows users to buy 10000 Instagram followers to boost their social media presence quickly.

Today’s article is about how to get Instagram followers—not empty bots, but real people who will like, comment, and be active in other ways.

Why get many followers on Instagram?

Social networks are often used to make money, both for companies and ordinary people and celebrities. Bloggers and media personalities make money from advertising. Stores use the social network to attract even more customers to their sites. Some sell directly through Instagram.

Companies find customers among subscribers. In addition, a presence on social networks allows gaining a foothold in the market, making the brand memorable, and gaining the target audience’s trust. For all this, account owners aim to increase the number of followers on Instagram. We will now find out what methods they use for this.

How do you attract an audience on Instagram?

Let’s start looking at effective methods. Some will help you get Instagram followers for free, while others will cost you money.

Attracting followers from personal contacts

The first thing to do is deal with that one in your phone’s contact list. Don’t be afraid. You don’t need to call anyone and ask them to follow. Followers are “pulled up” through the internal functionality of the social network. This is how it’s done:

  • After creating an account, go to settings
  • find the section for subscriptions;
  • find the “Contacts” item;
  • Check the box “Subscribe to all;

This will send a follow-up request to your contacts, and they will subscribe in return.

Share to other social networks

Promote your Instagram account effectively when using other social media pages. Publish an active link to your new Facebook profile and other platforms.

Just place links in the sections intended for this. Facebook on this can be done in the profile description. Also, an Instagram account can be linked to an FB page. This procedure is especially worth doing for those who want to use all the features of the Facebook advertising account.

Get a paid advertising service

A perfect and effective way is to set up advertising campaigns. In Instagram, everything is done right on the spot or through the Facebook Ads Manager advertising account. The good thing is that there is detailed audience targeting. You can set the preferred gender, age, geolocation, and interests of people to whom the ad will be shown. 

This will allow you to attract a potentially interested audience and achieve high efficiency in the advertising campaign. Launching targeted advertising is not free. You will need a budget for the campaign. If you plan to use third-party specialists, targeted advertising costs will also include their services.

It doesn’t have to be stars. Moreover, their advertising rates are severe. If you have little money, you can find less popular vloggers and agree to mention the account. It’s just essential to make the most natural post in the spirit of native advertising. People trust such publications more readily, making them more likely to follow your account.

Use hashtags

This is another helpful solution, as getting Instagram followers for free will be easy. Users like to search for information by hashtags. If you have something to share on the topic, add them. For every post, you can add up to 30 hashtags. You can use popular ones and your own. Here are a couple of ideas for creating hashtags:

  • places or events where the photographs were taken;
  • interests by which the target audience can find the profile;
  • description of the content of the image;
  • popular tags of competitors and their followers.

Some social media marketing specialists believe that up to 5 hashtags are enough for one publication. See for yourself here. If the profile is new, you can use the method to the fullest to gain your first subscribers.


Mark the places where your target audience is. This will also allow you to attract the attention of potentially interested people and make them your subscribers. Geolocations are especially useful for those who run a travel blog.

Comments on posts

Flash under posts in accounts where your target audience hangs out. This could even be a page of a media personality. You need to choose accounts with a considerable number of subscribers. The more of them, the higher the probability of snatching a piece of followers and getting them into your profile.

But don’t just write anything. It should be an engaging comment that will pique someone’s interest and encourage them to click through to your account like this.

Comments on social networks, forums, and websites

Pay attention to other social networks and platforms where you can get noticed. Share ideas and opinions with your target audience through YouTube videos and comments on posts on Facebook, Twitter – and anywhere with people with similar interests. Since you need to attract these users to your Instagram account, unobtrusively post a link to your profile or nickname. Preferably in moderation, without spam; otherwise, you will not be taken seriously.

Activity chats

A couple of years ago, the Instagram ranking system changed. Now, posts in the feed are shown not in chronological order but based on popularity and views. The more likes and comments, the higher the chances of being at the top and getting a sea of ​​subscribers. Of course, you can only dream of being at the top with a new account. In this case, it is worth using activity chats—a collaboration of bloggers for mutual PR. Participants send links to their profiles and publications here to get likes and views and respond similarly to others.

The result is increased reach and good positions in the news feed. Isn’t that a good secret for attracting followers to Instagram? Attract crowds of followers on Instagram. Do you want to grow your Instagram audience? also offers exclusive services that will help you attract many followers from your target audience. Fill out the form right now and start expanding your business on social media.

Gamification on Instagram: Games in posts

Another simple way to attract followers on Instagram is to arrange an exciting game. Times are viral when users tag themselves in the comments under a publication and then like the previous commentator. This process can take a long time.

Other exciting ideas for gamification are tests, puzzles, riddles, and the like. If your imagination works well, you can come up with anything.


Remember to send them a link to your profile if you have an established customer base. You can set up mailings by email or messenger.

Remember, you want to gain Instagram followers, not piss people off with your pushiness. Don’t just send a blank link without anything. Add a helpful checklist, a guide, and a bonus for subscribing.

Mass following and mass liking

Be active on the pages of potential followers: like publications, write comments, follow. Many of them will respond to you.

It is difficult to manually do mass following and mass liking, as it is impossible to gain many followers on Instagram quickly. You can use particular services.


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